如何申請專利尼日利亞HOW TO文件尼日利亞萊克斯ARTIFEX律師事務所了專利申請,推出了IP服務台,以協助企業保護他們的知識產權 (IP) 和行使知識產權 (IPR) 或與尼日利亞做生意時. 本刊物給出了如何向尼日利亞專利申請的快照. 什麼是專利? 專利是一種保護發明的合法權利, 它提供了一個新的和創造性的技術解決問題的辦法. 專利的所有者具有商業上從利用受保護的發明停止他人的權利, 例如,通過使, 運用, 進口或銷售其, 在國家或地區在該專利已被授予. 讀: 在尼日利亞註冊商標,要求哪一類發明被授予專利? 的發明是專利性,如果它是新, 或由本發明的活動的結果,並且能夠工業應用的; 要么, 它構成在專利發明的改進,也就是新的, 從本發明的活動結果,並且能夠工業應用的. 的本發明能夠工業應用的如果該發明可以製造或在任何種類的工業用, 包括農業. 專利不能, however, 就該植物或動物品種或者主要是生物學過程來獲得用於生產植物或動物的 (除了微生物方法及其產品); 發明的公佈或利用該會違反公共秩序或道德; 或原則和科學性的發現. 的專利和外觀設計法 1971 是管理專利在尼日利亞註冊和執法的主要立法. 該專利規則規定在專利註冊通過的程序. 誰使用專利? 專利是企業的寶貴財富, 公司, 研究機構和大學,以及個人和中小型企業. 如何提交專利申請在尼日利亞根據專利合作條約提出的專利申請 ("PCT") 在世界知識產權組織的國際局 (WIPO) 或在尼日利亞專利局必須包含以下: A petition or request for registration with the principal's full name and address; 一個規範, 包括你在重複索賠或索賠; 該計劃和圖紙, if any, 一式兩份; 通過真正的發明人簽署的聲明; 在尼日利亞的送達地址,如果你的地址是尼日利亞外; 如果你想在尊重一國尼日利亞以外地方提出在先申請的外國優先權利用, 您的應用程序將要陪顯示出下面的書面聲明: - 在先申請的日期和數字, - the country in which the earlier application was made, - 你的名字在較早的申請表示你將不得不通過在尼日利亞的一個認可的專利律師提交在尼日利亞專利局申請專利 - who will act as your "Attorney on Record" 和代理. 如果你想提交的國際專利, 國際檢索所需的本發明的專利性的初步評估試圖被註冊. 隨後將與國際檢索報告的公佈. 國際檢索報告將期滿後公佈 18 從申請的優先權日起個月 (即, 申請日或在先申請的申請日從它的優先權, (如果適用)). 在出版, 你的發明為公眾所知. 尼日利亞是一個簽署世界知識產權組織專利合作條約並擁有PCT工作產品的直接訪問, 包括國際檢索報告, 國際檢索單位的書面意見和國際初步審查報告. PCT體系下的全部現有國際專利申請被接受尼日利亞領土註冊和維權. 您想在哪裡就在PCT體系提交申請或在一個國家尼日利亞以外較早的專利申請,以利用外國優先權的自己, 尼日利亞IP Office將需要顯示的在先申請的日期和數量的書面聲明, the country in which the earlier application was made, 和你的名字. 這是不超過三個月,因為要在全國初步應用經過的要求作出. 你將不得不由專利局提供在先申請的核證副本 (或同等學歷) 在較早的申請已提交該國. 注意: PCT申請可以在尼日利亞提交作為第一申請或, 或者, 它可從日提交到適當的應用程序要求優在較早的申請之國它是在相同的日期作為在先申請日提交的PCT申請將被視為. 在一個方面本發明的一個專利的權利是既得不是在“真正的所有者”, 但在“法定發明家”, 在這種情況下,是誰最先立案的專利申請的人, 或誰可以要求有效放置在關於本發明的提交的專利申請的外國優先權. WIPO管理的專利合作條約 (PCT) 是合理化和合作條約關於申請, 搜索和專利申請的審查和技術信息的傳播所載. PCT為申請人希望在多個國家一個更加人性化的專利保護, 成本效益和效率的選擇. 通過遞交一份“國際專利申請" 一個專利局根據PCT (“受理局”). 尼日利亞知識產權局授予好像應用程序是在WIPO成員國提交它們具有相同的效果,因為專利是尼日利亞簽署專利合作條約. However, the PCT does not provide for the grant of "international patents" 如授予專利的責任是,各個國家專利局其中應用程序由的. “國際專利”的實施在於各會員國的管轄範圍內. 專利的可執行性是領土, 這意味著專利只有在有效的國內註冊與尼日利亞專利局僅在尼日利亞強制執行. 一旦專利申請被授予, 該專利是有效的 20 年,受年度續訂. 專利註冊和維權在尼日利亞萊克斯ARTIFEX LLP提供全方位的專利申請的準備和申請服務. 我們的團隊包括IP律師 & 由尼日利亞知識產權局認可的律師. 對於尼日利亞專利的申請, 我們需要發明的細節和委託書行事. 計費安排對於收費安排, 請點擊這裡: 歸檔在尼日利亞專利申請的成本. 萊克斯ARTIFEX LLP專利服務涵蓋以下: 專利申請專利檢索申請量製備與WIPO或尼日利亞的IP Office為代表諮詢“上記錄律師”對本地地址的知識產權法計提的政府文件和信件服務, 辯方異議 (if any), 專利續展修的. 對於一個企業為重點的知識產權諮詢, 今天就聯繫我們, 電子郵件在lexartife然而xartifexllp.com, 呼叫 +234.803.979.5959.  萊克斯ARTIFEX律師事務所的知識產權部門如何在文件尼日利亞專利申請如果有的話


Securing a patent in Nigeria is crucial for safeguarding your invention and gaining exclusive rights to its commercial exploitation. This detailed guide explores the essential steps, requirements, and legal framework governing patent registration in Nigeria. Whether you are an entrepreneur, researcher, or business owner, understanding this process is key to protecting your intellectual property and fostering innovation.

What is a Patent?

A patent is a legal instrument granting an inventor exclusive rights to their innovation. It prevents unauthorized commercial use, enabling the patent holder to manufacture, 賣, 進口, or otherwise utilize the invention within the jurisdiction of registration.

在尼日利亞, patents offer a competitive advantage by protecting the originality of an invention and encouraging technological advancements.

Criteria for Patentability in Nigeria

To secure a patent in Nigeria, your invention must meet specific criteria as outlined in the Patents and Designs Act of 1971:

  • Novelty: The invention must be original and not previously disclosed anywhere in the world.
  • Inventiveness: It should exhibit an inventive step, offering a unique solution to a technical problem.
  • Industrial Applicability: The invention must be applicable in industry or agriculture and capable of practical use.

These requirements ensure that patents are granted only for innovations that contribute to societal and technological progress.

Who Can Apply for a Patent?

Patents are valuable to a diverse range of entities, 包含:

  • Individual inventors and entrepreneurs.
  • Universities and research institutions.
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (中小企業).
  • Corporations seeking to protect innovative products or processes.

Steps to Patent Registration in Nigeria

Applying for patent registration in Nigeria involves a structured process. Here are the key steps:

1. Prepare the Required Documents

To initiate a patent application, you will need:

  • A formal request for patent registration in Nigeria, detailing the inventor’s name and address.
  • A comprehensive specification of the invention, including claims, drawings, or diagrams where applicable.
  • 通過真正的發明人簽署的聲明.
  • An address for service in Nigeria if the applicant resides abroad.

2. Provide Foreign Priority Details (If Applicable)

If the invention has been filed previously in another country or under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 包括:

  • The date and number of the earlier application.
  • The country of the initial filing.
  • A certified copy of the earlier application from the issuing patent office.

3. Engage a Certified Patent Attorney

Patent applications in Nigeria must be filed through an accredited patent attorney. These professionals serve as your Attorney of Record, ensuring compliance with local regulations and facilitating communication with the Nigerian Patent Office.

4. Submit the Application

Submit your application to the Nigerian Patent Office. For PCT applications, ensure adherence to the 30-month deadline for claiming priority. For patent filing through the Paris Convention route, ensure adherence to the 12-month deadline for claiming priority.

5. Await Examination and Grant

After submission, the application undergoes a formal review. Once approved, the Nigerian Patent Office grants the patent, which remains valid for 20 年份, subject to annual renewals.

Key Considerations for Patent Registration in Nigeria

  • Territorial Scope: A patent registered in Nigeria is enforceable only within its borders.
  • PCT System: Nigeria’s participation in the PCT allows international filings to be registered locally.
  • First-to-File Principle: 在尼日利亞, patent rights are granted to the first person to file the application, emphasizing the importance of timely registration.

Why Patent Registration in Nigeria Matters

Registering a patent in Nigeria not only safeguards your intellectual property but also enhances your market position. It provides legal backing to prevent unauthorized use and offers potential revenue through licensing or commercialization.


Patent registration in Nigeria is a critical step in protecting your innovation and ensuring its commercial viability. By adhering to the legal requirements and engaging experienced professionals, you can secure robust intellectual property protection.

If you’re ready to navigate the patent process or have specific questions, consult with us at lexartifexllp@lexartifexllp.com+2348039795959.