Police arrest in Nigeria POLICE ARREST IN NIGERIA: WHAT TO DO IF FACED WITH The Nigerian Police is currently ranked as the worst in the world and has a chequered record of human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings. Police arrest and incarceratio...
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DEBT RECOVERY IN NIGERIA: WHAT TO DO IF YOUR CREDITOR RESORTS TO SELF-HELP OR CHASES YOU WITH THE POLICE If overdue debts are standing against your name and you are unable to settle, chances are that your Creditor may resort to self-help as a counter...
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Real Estate Lawyers in Nigeria REAL ESTATE LAWYERS IN NIGERIA: PERFECTION OF TITLE TO LAND/PROPERTY IN NIGERIA After paying the purchase price of land and signing relevant documents with the land vendor, itu adalah wajib oleh hukum bahwa Anda “perfect...
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Manfaat Pendaftaran Hak Tanah di Nigeria MANFAAT PENDAFTARAN HAK LAHAN DI NIGERIA: 12 PENTING DAN KEUNTUNGAN PENDAFTARAN TANAH “Tanah” yang digunakan dalam pasal ini termasuk bangunan, perumahan, real properti dan tanah yang belum dikembangkan. The follo...
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