How to File a Patent Application in Nigeria HOW TO FILE A PATENT APPLICATION IN NIGERIA  The Lex Artifex Law Office has introduced the IP Helpdesk to assist businesses in protecting their Intellectual Property (IP) en die handhawing van hul intellektuele eiendom (IPR) wanneer om sake te doen in of met Nigerië. Hierdie publikasie gee 'n oorsig van hoe om 'n patent aansoek in Nigerië in te dien. WAT IS 'n patent? 'N Patent is 'n wetlike reg te beskerm 'n uitvinding, wat bied 'n nuwe en vindingryke tegniese oplossing vir 'n probleem. Die eienaar van 'n patent het die reg om ander te verhoed kommersieel ontgin die beskermde uitvinding, byvoorbeeld deur ', gebruik van, invoer of verkoop dit, in die land of streek waarin die patent toegestaan. LEES: Requirements for Registering a Trademark in Nigeria WHAT KIND OF INVENTION IS PATENTABLE? 'N uitvinding is patenteerbaar of dit is 'n nuwe, of resultate van 'n vindingryke aktiwiteit en in staat is om industriële toepassing; of, dit vorm 'n verbetering op 'n gepatenteerde uitvinding en ook nuut, gevolg van vindingryke aktiwiteit en in staat is om industriële toepassing. 'N uitvinding in staat is om industriële toepassing as dit uitvinding vervaardig kan word of gebruik word in enige vorm van bedryf, insluitend landbou. Patente kan nie, egter, verkry word ten opsigte van plant of dier spesies of wese biologiese prosesse vir die produksie van plante of diere (behalwe mikrobiologiese prosesse en hul produkte); uitvind die publikasie of uitbuiting van wat in stryd met die openbare orde of moraliteit sou wees; of beginsels en ontdekkings van 'n wetenskaplike aard. Die patente en modelle Wet van 1971 is die primêre wetgewing wat die registrasie en afdwinging van patente in Nigerië. Die patente Reëls reguleer die by die Patent Register aangeneem prosedures. WIE GEBRUIKE 'n patent? Patent is 'n waardevolle bate vir maatskappye, korporasies, navorsingsinstellings en universiteite, asook deur individue en klein en medium-grootte ondernemings. HOW TO FILE A PATENT APPLICATION IN NIGERIA A patent application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty ("PCT") at the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or at the Nigerian Patent Office must contain the following: A petition or request for registration with the principal's full name and address; A-spesifikasie, insluitend jou eis of eise in duplikaat; Die planne en tekeninge, if any, in duplikaat; 'N Verklaring deur die ware uitvinder onderteken; 'N adres vir diens in Nigerië as jou adres buite Nigerië; As jy wil om te hefboom op 'n buitelandse prioriteit ten opsigte van 'n vroeëre aansoek gedoen in 'n land buite Nigerië, jou aansoek sal moet 'n skriftelike verklaring wat die volgende vergesel: - die datum en nommer van die vorige aansoek, - the country in which the earlier application was made, - your name as indicated in the earlier application You would have to file a patent application at the Nigerian Patent Office through an accredited patent attorney in Nigeria - who will act as your "Attorney on Record" en agent. As jy wil 'n internasionale patent lêer, 'n Internasionale Soek nodig is vir die aanvanklike assessering van die patenteerbaarheid van die uitvinding gesoek om geregistreer te word. Dit sal gevolg word met die publikasie van die Internasionale Soek Verslag. Die Internasionale Soek Verslag sal na afloop van gepubliseer 18 maande vanaf die prioriteit datum van die aansoek (dit wil sê, die datum indiening of die indiening datum van 'n vroeëre aansoek waarvan dit beweer prioriteit, Indien toepaslik). op publikasie, jou uitvinding sal openbaar bekend geword. Nigerië is 'n ondertekenaar van die Patent Cooperation Verdrag van WIPO en het direkte toegang tot PCT werk produkte, insluitend Internasionale Soek Verslag, die Geskryf Kennisgewing van die Internasionale Soek Owerheid en 'n internasionale Rekordeksamen Verslae. Alle vorige internasionale patent vylsels onder die PCT-stelsel is in Nigerië aanvaar vir territoriale registrasie en afdwinging. Waar jy wil om jouself te maak van 'n buitelandse prioriteit ten opsigte van 'n vroeëre patent aansoek geliasseer onder die PCT-stelsel of geliasseer is in 'n land buite Nigerië, die Nigerië IP Kantoor sal 'n skriftelike verklaring wat die datum en nommer van ddie land waar die vroeër aansoek gedoenrlier application was made, en jou naam. Dit is 'n vereiste dat nie meer as drie maande moet verloop sedert die aansoek in die aanvanklike land gemaak. Jy sal hê om 'n gesertifiseerde afskrif van die vorige aansoek verskaf deur die Patent Office (of die ekwivalent daarvan) in die land waar die vroeëre aansoek ingedien. NOTA: A PCT aansoek kan ingedien word in Nigerië as 'n eerste indiening of, alternatiewelik, dit mag prioriteit eis van 'n geskikte aansoek ingedien het om 3 maande voor die tyd, in welke geval die PCT aansoek sal hanteer word asof dit is geliasseer op dieselfde datum as die vroeëre aansoek. Die reg om 'n patent ten opsigte van 'n uitvinding is gevestigde nie in die "ware eienaar", but in the “statutory inventor”, in welke geval is die persoon wat die eerste om die aansoek in te dien vir patent, of wat kan geldig aanspraak maak op 'n buitelandse prioriteit van 'n patent aansoek ingedien ten opsigte van die uitvinding. The WIPO-administered Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is 'n verdrag vir rasionalisering en samewerking met betrekking tot die indiening, soek en ondersoek van patentaansoeke en die verspreiding van die tegniese inligting wat daarin vervat is. Die PCT bied aansoekers soek patent beskerming in verskeie lande 'n meer gebruiker-vriendelike, koste-effektiewe en doeltreffende opsie. By filing one “international patent application" onder die PCT met een patent kantoor (die "ontvangs kantoor"). The Nigerian IP Office grants patents which have the same effect as though the applications were filed in the WIPO Member states since Nigeria is a signatory to the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Maar, the PCT does not provide for the grant of "international patents" as die verantwoordelikheid vir die toekenning van patente is dat van die onderskeie lande patentkantore waar aansoeke is gemaak. The enforcement of  “international patents” lies within the jurisdiction of each Member State. Die afdwingbaarheid van 'n patent is territoriale, Dit beteken dat 'n patent is slegs afdwingbaar in Nigerië net op geldige binnelandse registrasie by die Nigeriese Patentkantoor. Een keer 'n patent aansoek toegestaan, die patent is geldig vir 20 years and is subject to annual renewals. PATENT REGISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT IN NIGERIA Lex Artifex LLP offers a full range of patent application preparation and prosecution services. Ons span bestaan ​​uit IP Prokureurs & Solicitors geakkrediteer deur die Nigeriese IP kantoor. Vir die indiening van 'n patent in Nigerië, we require the details of the invention and a Power of Attorney to act. BILLING ARRANGEMENT For the billing arrangement, kliek hier: Koste van die indiening van 'n patentaansoek in Nigerië. The Lex Artifex LLP Patent Services Cover the following: Preparation of patent applications Patent search Filings with WIPO or the Nigerian IP Office Representation as “Attorney on Record” Advisory on IP law Provision of local address for the indien enigee of government papers and correspondences, Verdediging te opposisies (if any), Instandhouding van patent hernuwings. Vir 'n besigheid gefokus IPR advies, kontak ons ​​vandag, e-pos aan, oproep +234.803.979.5959.  Lex Artifex LLP’s Intellectual Property Practice Group How to File a Patent Application in Nigeria

Omvattende gids vir patentregistrasie in Nigerië

Securing a patent in Nigeria is crucial for safeguarding your invention and gaining exclusive rights to its commercial exploitation. This detailed guide explores the essential steps, requirements, and legal framework governing patent registration in Nigeria. Whether you are an entrepreneur, researcher, or business owner, understanding this process is key to protecting your intellectual property and fostering innovation.

What is a Patent?

A patent is a legal instrument granting an inventor exclusive rights to their innovation. It prevents unauthorized commercial use, enabling the patent holder to manufacture, verkoop, invoer, or otherwise utilize the invention within the jurisdiction of registration.

In Nigerië, patents offer a competitive advantage by protecting the originality of an invention and encouraging technological advancements.

Criteria for Patentability in Nigeria

To secure a patent in Nigeria, your invention must meet specific criteria as outlined in the Patents and Designs Act of 1971:

  • Novelty: The invention must be original and not previously disclosed anywhere in the world.
  • Inventiveness: It should exhibit an inventive step, offering a unique solution to a technical problem.
  • Industrial Applicability: The invention must be applicable in industry or agriculture and capable of practical use.

These requirements ensure that patents are granted only for innovations that contribute to societal and technological progress.

Who Can Apply for a Patent?

Patents are valuable to a diverse range of entities, Insluitend:

  • Individual inventors and entrepreneurs.
  • Universities and research institutions.
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Corporations seeking to protect innovative products or processes.

Steps to Patent Registration in Nigeria

Applying for patent registration in Nigeria involves a structured process. Here are the key steps:

1. Prepare the Required Documents

To initiate a patent application, you will need:

  • A formal request for patent registration in Nigeria, detailing the inventor’s name and address.
  • A comprehensive specification of the invention, including claims, drawings, or diagrams where applicable.
  • 'N Verklaring deur die ware uitvinder onderteken.
  • An address for service in Nigeria if the applicant resides abroad.

2. Provide Foreign Priority Details (If Applicable)

If the invention has been filed previously in another country or under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), include:

  • The date and number of the earlier application.
  • The country of the initial filing.
  • A certified copy of the earlier application from the issuing patent office.

3. Engage a Certified Patent Attorney

Patent applications in Nigeria must be filed through an accredited patent attorney. These professionals serve as your Attorney of Record, ensuring compliance with local regulations and facilitating communication with the Nigerian Patent Office.

4. Submit the Application

Submit your application to the Nigerian Patent Office. For PCT applications, ensure adherence to the 30-month deadline for claiming priority. For patent filing through the Paris Convention route, ensure adherence to the 12-month deadline for claiming priority.

5. Await Examination and Grant

After submission, the application undergoes a formal review. Once approved, the Nigerian Patent Office grants the patent, which remains valid for 20 jaar, subject to annual renewals.

Key Considerations for Patent Registration in Nigeria

  • Territorial Scope: A patent registered in Nigeria is enforceable only within its borders.
  • PCT System: Nigeria’s participation in the PCT allows international filings to be registered locally.
  • First-to-File Principle: In Nigerië, patent rights are granted to the first person to file the application, emphasizing the importance of timely registration.

Why Patent Registration in Nigeria Matters

Registering a patent in Nigeria not only safeguards your intellectual property but also enhances your market position. It provides legal backing to prevent unauthorized use and offers potential revenue through licensing or commercialization.


Patent registration in Nigeria is a critical step in protecting your innovation and ensuring its commercial viability. By adhering to the legal requirements and engaging experienced professionals, you can secure robust intellectual property protection.

If you’re ready to navigate the patent process or have specific questions, consult with us at en +2348039795959.